• Wayne Benson McClanahan F5 medley1:53


Vintage Tone Today


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​Contact: jonathan@mcclanahanstringedinstruments.com 

copyright © McClanahan Mandolins

Cell: 615-557-3342

​​​​​​​​​McClanahan Stringed Instruments

     All McClanahan Stringed Instruments comes with a limited "Lifetime warranty" to the original  purchaser. "Limited" meaning... against self modifications, self repairs, or repairs made by another Luthier, accidents of any kind, accidents as a result of adverse weather conditions such as: floods, storms, wind, rain, heat, cold, or the like of. "Lifetime warranty" is defined as either "The lifetime of the original purchaser",  "The duration of ownership of the original purchaser", and/or "The lifetime of the Luthier, Jonathan McClanahan", whichever comes first.

     This warranty is only valid to the original purchaser and is not transferrable to a family member, friend, or any of the such. In the event this instrument is sold, traded then re-acquired by the original purchaser, given as a gift, passed down to a family member etc... this warranty will be rendered void. The above McClanahan Instrument must remain in its complete original condition for the warranty to remain valid. Any work performed on the above listed McClanahan Instrument other than Jonathan McClanahan must be approved by Jonathan McClanahan before the work is to be done. If these guidelines are not followed in full, the warranty will be "Null and Void".  

     This McClanahan Instrument is warranted to be free from structural defects in relation to it's construction. During the building process and at completion, digital photos are taken of all internal and external components of the instrument such as: joints, neck, top, back, head stock, top and back center seems, rims etc... to verify it's structural integrity. This instrument will also undergo a strength and flexibility test to ensure maximum durability and vibration.

     If the above instrument has been “antiqued" by the Luthier Jonathan McClanahan, the antiquing will have no bearing on the decision of the validity of the warranty claim. Reason being, the "antiquing" of this mandolin is only cosmetic and has “no” affect on the structural integrity of the instrument whatsoever.

     In the event a warranty claim has been submitted, this instrument will undergo an evaluation to determine if the warranty claim is by fault of the Luthier or a result of negligence on behalf of the original purchaser, someone else that played it at the time of the accident and/or someone the original purchaser loaned it to. If a warranty claim is deemed valid, all repairs will be done 100% free of charge to the original purchaser. Unless otherwise authorized by

Jonathan McClanahan, all repairs must be performed by the Luthier, Jonathan McClanahan, for the warranty to remain valid

 NOTE :  High end instruments have a certain level of  fragility to them. It is imperative that the above McClanahan instrument is to "never" be subjected to extreme hot or cold temperature, as well as other forms of inclement weather such as rain or snow as this would compromise it's structural integrity and void the warranty.